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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 16th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now Open

All Members are welcome once more.

Sadly, our dear matron , Mamyalynne will be absent tonight as she has been taken on holiday to Welshland. I am sure all Members will join with me in hoping that she enjoys her rest cure , oops, short holiday, very much.
Because of Mamya's absence we will be facing a dearth of snacks. We will have to make do with a few crisps and nuts until more Members turn up when the nut quota will doubtless increase.

In honour of Mamya, however, I have concocted tonight's signature tailcock, Matron's Mixture**.

All raffle prizes will be gratefully received, please leave them on the hall table.


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Dear young Suezy, fingers in ears and avert your eyes please. To what is the world coming? Daisy, can you please help me to put this screen between Lady Alex and the young and impressionable?
Oh dear, m'lady, Miss Kate appears to have hexed me! Shall I unlock the medical chest?
Kate, do you require my smelling salts?
Question Author

Thank you so much for the entertainmanet.
But...who are you hexing tonight? or is it a secret ?

Meanwhile, here's the raffle:

Tonight's lucky number!
Still waiting for that drink. Am I that inobtrusive? Got my mobile! Drink or I will call the Fire Brigade. At least one of them talks to me.
Question Author
We can't unlock the chest, Maj. Mamya has gone off with the keys.
with or without vinegar?
But Miss Daisy, I provided you with a flagon on the last page - I mean a few minutes ago...
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Please, have a flagon or two of the tailcock of your choice, Daisy.

Thanks for the chips, tony. Sauce (brown, of course) would be favourite.
I'm happy (?) to say that matron provided me with a full ring

of keys before she left
Question Author
And tonight's lucky colours are:


Hurrah, I've won the napkins!
Maj come and get comfy in the garden

Sorry, comfrie from the garden. Herbal is the best way to treat a delicate soul such as our Kate.
Yipee I have the pencil now I will be able to write to sis in Oz.
awhhh I did'nt get a ruffle tacket - will see what's left at the end
ttfn i know what your up to,trying to take my man,i'll just go and see alexandered then,he is a friendly chappie,i will go home when he goes.
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So sorry , tony, but you have to be quick off the mark here.

Excellent news, alexanderd. Don't lick it too much, you'll disappear it.

Is Kate OK ? She hasn't hexed herself has she ? Do we need the trusty mop and bucket ?
Thank you for the assistance, Miss Ena - I fear that Miss Kate is unaware that I'm under strict instructions from m'lady to ensure that all the guests are adequately taken care of...
PC playing silly beggars. Apologies.
Tony - you think so? Oh dear, it tends not to work like that here. Hard luck my friend.
Kate there will be room on my tandem, front or back?

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