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I won!!!!

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twinklepandora | 11:10 Tue 19th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
Just had a bottle of 10 year old Jura whisky delivered which was the prize for winning Keith's Crossword. Im so excited - never won anything before.


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Well done. I have ice and glasses....
congrats , I don't enter into this section but I do love that name of yours
Enjoy x
going to drink it today or wait till it's 20 years old?
Well done - always good to hear of an AB winner!
nice to hear of someone else winning i hope you enjoy drinking it mrs danes won the £500 prize in the big one three weeks ago
How lovely. It is so nice to know someone actually wins. Sometimes you wonder.
Well done and slainte mhath
well done!
well done, amnd what a lovely prize! Enjoy :-)
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Thank you all for your good wishes x
Well done twinklepandora. I also won this prize but that was 2 years ago! Still trying though. Have a drink or two on me.
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well done, enjoy
Aww well done :)
Good on ya :) xx
Well Done you!!!!
Isn't the first win great?
Well done twinklepandora. I won this crossword about two months ago. The whisky came quite quickly and about three weeks later a cheque for £100. Like you I was "fair chuffed".
Congratulations, well worth doing the crossword. Enjoy your whisky.
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I don't even like whisky but it's my hubby's favourite tipple. Hope the £100 follows
Congratulations and I love the name :-))

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