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mwhegar | 13:16 Tue 30th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Answers are maritime related.

Clue = "Chew through the air"

I am desperate for the answer to this one as I am spending far too
much time thinking about it. Somebody suggested "bight".

Please help.


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If you read 'through the air' as sounds like, then 'bight' seems right.
I'm sure I've seen this asked about 5 times now. I'll have a think
I don't see where the "through the air " fits in for bight
Sorry sandyroe- your answer wasn't there when i started my reply. It could be Bight but I am not convinced.
A synonym for chew is flock- could be flock of seagulls. Pretty rubbish answer though.
I was thinking of the maritime connection. There's The BIght of Benin and The Great Australian Bight.

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