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St thomas quiz Womans Names

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17071948 | 22:35 Thu 24th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
22 Answers
Sorry just one more please any help.
24.Partner of example at Christmas.
Thank you


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I think it may start P (for partner) plus EG for example = PEG but I can't tie it in with xmas, although if you add I.E. that also makes for example making
PEGGIE. but why xmas?
Is the clue of example or for example,please?
Hi,TW,I've run out of suggestions!Been thinking of names connected to Christmas, I think Carol was an answer to another clue.
Shona? If this is an Irish quiz then 'Nollaig Shona' means Happy Christmas.
Hi quinie, just back after a very long day. I was sure you would have solved this by now!
quinie, perhaps it is Mary and we are looking too deep. ?
Question Author
Thank you still confused but maybe Mary is right.
Hi 17071948, when the quiz has finished, please be good enough to come back to this thread and let us know what the correct answer was.
Question Author
TheWinner quiz due in on Dec 3rd will come back with answer
Thank you
Well good luck, and we all look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Hi,TW,It will be good of 17071948 to let us know the answer.Some clues are a bit vague or maybe it's just my brain slowing down??
The example is IVY so the partner is HOLLY
How do you know that the example is Ivy, please?
Really gg? an example was given? I didn't join in the post but I spent lots of time thinking about this one and getting nowhere. haruumphhh!
Because the quiz setter gives it at the top of the quiz
Yes, but only given by the OP in her thanks, prudie.... http://www.theanswerb.../Question1079690.html
It took me ages to see it as well and then I could have kicked myself

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St thomas quiz Womans Names

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