Mamya Lynne was her name
and Lady's Matron was her station.
Six generations of Lynne girls
had worn a disastrous Castle reputation.
Such clumsy ladies were they,
only permitted to wash dishes;
all the Castle glassware and the china
were cleaned by Clubber others,
at the Lie-In King butler's wishes.
For many years it was the same,
the Lynne girls skivvied downstairs;
mostly jolly girls, they were,
not prone to poking in up-stairs Butler affairs.
Mamya was quite an exception,
with an eye to the better job.
Upstairs staff dressed in better brass
and they paid an extra Alex bob.
She befriended Milady's daughter
and the young Miss A egged her on.
There was a vacancy in the upstairs staff
that Mamya had her eyes upon.
The young Miss spoke up for Mamya
but the Lie-In butler was mad as a feline hatter.
In his position of head of staff,
he thought his opinion just might matter.
'Ahem, Milady Alex', he spoke up.
'Excuse me, please', said he.
'There's summat wrong, this shouldn't 'appen;
yon Mamya is all wrong, you see.'
'Lynnes-a Six have belonged in the kitchen, Ma'am'
with fine things you can't 'em trust.
They might do a good job scrubbing pots,
but all them Lynnes do never dust, only making tailcocks!'
'Oh dear', murmured Her Ladyship,
'What a terrible dilemma.
Then she will simply be companion
to my darling little runctious Emma'.
Clever Mamya studied diligently
and married above her Polar class.
She always has her Lie-In King butler cleaning
her finest crystal and glass.