Good evening and welcome to all our members, old and old.
Due to a misunderstanding last week, the raffle was not drawn and no raffle prizes were distributed. As all Members will remember, in this event all prizes revert to the Committee to distribute as they choose. The Committee met mid-week and have made their choice. If you have not heard by now, then unfortunately, you have not been chosen to receive one of last week's raffle prizes. No appeals are permissible as can be confirmed by checking Rule 54 , Subsection 28, paragraph (iiii).
As all Members will also be aware, Rule 7 ALWAYS applies.
Good evening Milady and all, I hope all are well - the buffet table is as always well presented, spicy chicken kebabs and lamb samosas, lots of breads and dips too.
Tonight's tailcock is the Bravissimo, a bright and bouncy number.
For the rofl:
4 coat hangers
bag of mixed vegetable peelings
an espadrille (right foot)
vinegar bottle.
Please send me the rules as I must have forgotten them and will have missed out on the paper clips.
I am worried about rule 7. Is rule 7 dangerous?
if it is then can it be changed?
What was the misunderstanding? I do hope nobody was ill.
1 case of Irish Champagne
1 Hermes handbag
1 single trip to Tipperary
1 bowl of Colcannon
1 shamrock, leaves pulled off
1 1/2 hour meeting with the Irish President
1 Bank of Ireland account
1/2 gallon of Irish Cream and Seaweed Ice cream
1 trip of an Aer Lingus plane, engines removed cos of austerity
1 weekend in the Marfield House Hotel.
1 used Cheltenham ticket.
But if rule 7 is in effect, well, all bets are of.
Good evening all. I want the purple dictionary please but will want to know where the paperclips went before I put my wordsearches into the raffle.
MY BP has gone up since I found your club
I have just returned from holiday in spain-has anyone been? Hence i have an abundance of Sangria mix