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MM Links April 2012 Week 1

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roslyn251254 | 07:45 Sat 07th Apr 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
43 Answers
Hello again from “Regal Roslyn”.

Yes it is only a few months ago that I was the setter, but no-one was prepared to accept gen2’s challenge so I’m afraid you are stuck with me again!!

I hope you are all enjoying the Easter Weekend and don’t overdo the “eggs” tomorrow! We all know the Christian Story of Easter but what about all the traditions that have emerged through time? How did Easter get its name? One belief is that Easter got its name from the Goddess of Spring called Eostre who some people worshipped long before Jesus was born. At that time it was thought that the sun died in Winter and was born again in Spring when days would lengthen and the sun’s power would return. In Europe, Eostre was the bringer of Spring.

Easter Day is always on a Sun, but the date varies from year to year. Many years ago Christians decided that Easter Day should always be on the Sun following the first full moon after the first day of Spring on Mar 21st. This means that Easter can be as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th.That’s why it’s called a “moveable feast”. Easter can even happen on different dates depending on where in the world you live. In Eastern Orthodox churches the date will be next weekend. That’s because we use the Gregorian calendar whereas the east use the Julian one.

The custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. For Christians the egg is a symbol of the resurrection, as when they are cracked open they stand for the empty tomb. In some countries parents tell their children the Easter Hare or Bunny has hidden chocolate eggs and they race to find them round the house or garden. Rabbits have been associated with springtime since ancient times. It is believed that the hare was Eostre’s sacred animal. Rabbits being similar, Christians changed the symbol to the Easter Bunny.


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Easter CHICK
Chocolate FOUNTAIN

Morning from Brixham
Good Morning

Easter Lily
Sunday Driver
Dark Chocolate
Egg Custard
Easter holiday

Sunday roast

chocolate eclair

Egg custard
Morning and a Happy Easter to each. I'll try:-

Easter Bonnet
Sunday School
Plain Chocolate
Poached Egg

Mr Alba is going for :-

Easter Bunny
Sunday School
Chocolate Treats
Cream Egg
EASTER bunny
SUNDAY service
duck EGG
Easter Parade
Sunday school
Milk Chocolate
Egg Shells
Good evening from Auckland - a family gathering so late posting.

Will try:

Easter Rising
Sunday Best
Chocolate Whip
Egg beater
Easter HYMN
PALM Sunday
Chocolate GATEAU
Easter bunny
Sunday school
Chocolate brownie
Egg timer
Nick EASTER (we like England Rugby)
Darning EGG
Happy Easter from Ontario.
Mr. O
Easter Bunny
Sunday School
Chocolate Chips
Egg Salad

Mrs. O
Easter Story
Sunday Best
Chocolate Lover
Egg Nest

Good luck to all.
Good afternoon Regal Roslyn - SHAZZA is going with:

DARK Chocolate

And I’m going for:

PALM Sunday
Chocolate RABBIT
Easter Sunday

Sunday Scool

Cocolate Biscuit

Egg Shell
Easter Bunny
Passion Sunday
Chocolate Chip
Boiled Egg
Sorry Gen2. I meant to write Nest Egg instead of Egg Nest as they are two different things.
Mrs. O
PLAIN Chocolate
Easter Festival
Sunday Lunch
Chocolate Factory
Egg Flip
A bit late...

Here are mine...

easter PARADE
sunday SERVICE
PLAIN chocolate
egg HUNT

Here are Reg's....

easter BUNNY
sunday MORNING
chocolate ECLAIR
egg YOLK
Easter term
Sunday Times
chocolate sauce
golden egg
Thanks Regal Roslyn and good morning all, I'll try:

NORTH Easter
Sunday BEST
BITTER Chocolate

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MM Links April 2012 Week 1

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