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Atheism, is it a benefit for society?

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Father-Ted | 19:14 Sun 20th May 2012 | Society & Culture
23 Answers
Atheism has forced many religious people to question their beliefs but would society thrive without deity based belief systems.


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I dont think society would change dramatically one way or the other to be honest. It would just be a more honest society and we would all be living in a more realistic world.
To answer your question, yes I think it would benefit society.
I think religions are very useful for keeping some very nasty people off the streets be it Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
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We'd have to find another excuse to attack our neighbours or each other.
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Definitely. Atheism provides an effective counter to the lies and deception of religion now that most countries don't allow the church to murder people who speak out against thier doctrine.

Norway, Denmark and Sweden has have some of the highest rates of atheism and also rate among countries with the happiest people.
I don't think mankind is capable of living without creating a fairy story of life after death.
As we are more of a secular country now than a country of church goers/believers, the absence of deity based belief systems wouldn't make any difference at all.......actually, it would make a difference - we would be better off.

Quite how people can believe in something when there is not one shred of proof of its existence baffles me - but if they choose to be believe in this nonsense that's up to them, but I object when the beliefs of the minority impact on the majority such as Sunday opening and faith schools which are financed by the state.
I have no doubt that religion is the cause of a good deal of the worlds problems so it follows that we'd all be a lot better off without it. Personally I've never understood how anyone of even average intelleigence can possible subscribe any of the sets of fairy tales out there. All religion is bad full stop.
i think it would benefit as much of the neurosis and pschological issues people suffer from come from deep seated and ingrained beliefs and notions that are all around them and are inflicted on them from birth - guilt, sin, fear, etc etc

many are brought up to feel unworthy, sinful, dirty, failure, naughty, pointless, being watched, being judged, pressure, etc etc and also made to feel they are wrong for experience natural emotions, like lust, pride, avarice etc

if people were allowed to just feel how they feel and it was ok, they wouldnt then have a lingering negative feeling about how bad they are ...and it all manifests in other ways.

i believe it can be indirectly linked to most of the problems in society.
i mean atheism is a good thing and religion is to blame for a lot of issues we have as human beings
Atheism is not a cure for what ails society, a lack of reason and understanding. But neither is it a safe haven for many of the various breeding grounds for the disease which religion provides. Religion is not about providing desperately needed answers to the questions of how best to live together in peace through understanding. Religion is about abandoning reason and a hope for a better life here and now on this Earth for an unsubstantiated belief in a better life and the fulfilment of justice to be provided effortlessly, unearned and undeserved beyond the grave.
Would society thrive? Of course. Religion is, directly or indirectly, responsible for some of the worst excesses of human behaviour, and can be divisive,patronising, sanctimonious and self-serving.

Personally, I can find little to commend religion at all.

That is not to say that all would be complete and utter peace and light with religion absent, but it certainly removes one of the more obvious causes of tension and trouble.
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Keyplus now you can do better than that...can you not?
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No, truthfully, it must be observed that discipline is offensive to many. In the case of some this may be in part because such persons do not have the Bible viewpoint of discipline and have not appreciated its necessity and benefits. But do you know that discipline is an expression of your being loved by the great Creator, Jehovah God?
Goodlife, There is more to discipline than turning up regularly at a church/mosque and praying. If you had paid more attention to disciplining your thinking processes you wouldn't utter such claptrap as you do.
Hitler was very much into discipline too.

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