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morrid | 11:28 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
26a John -------- (d.1643), Venetian-born London merchant M?U?CHE.


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From "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography" (extract) -

"Maunche, John (d. 1465), merchant, was Venetian by birth, but had settled in London by 1439..." (?)

I realise the dates don't match, but he's the only one I can find that fits the letter pattern you've shown - perhaps someone else can shed some light...
Could the date (1643) be a misprint? I also have found very little about John Maunche, but what I have discovered indicates that he was alive in 1443, which makes me wonder if History Today might have made a typo with the date.
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Thanks Lion King. Doesn't seem to be alternative that I can see. bit off if a History mag gets dates wrong.
Agreed, b'binder - this is the ODNB link -

but it doesn't show much. I get the full listing through my library membership
You're welcome, morrid & yes - if it's a typo, it's a bit much!

If it's not a typo, then I'm stuck, sorry :-)
Thanks for the link, Lie-in King. Without further - and extensive - research, it looks as if friend morrid might have to be content with Maunche.

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