Runner up Mephisto 2713 Sunday Times a nice £20 for my trouble. I think this is the fourth time I have been a runner but the last occasion was many years ago.
I e mailed Barbara Hall the crossword editor at that time to ask how many entries they get and she said about 1,500 and about 10,000 for the Sunday Times Crossword which I have never won. I have entered both nearly every week for many years but I think I must be very lucky to have been picked out of 1,500 entries four times.
I've been runner -up in mephisto 3 times and won the Almanack once - all in less than the 2 years I've been in the Times Xword Club.
This week I won a lovely Cross Roller-ball pen - 1st prize in the FT Polymath!
I never win anything although I send quizzes etc. away regularly. Obviously my answers are all wrong. As soon as I have posted them I forget about them so if I did win anything it would be a big surprise. I just like doing them and sending them - it makes me feel I am joining with other people. I should qualify that because when I first started doing the Health Lotto I won £50. I suppose that will have to last me for a while.