13 letter words beginning with U include Understanding, unaccompanied, unaccountable, unadventurous, unappreciated, unarticulated, uncomfortable, uncomplaining, unconditionable, unconquerable, uncooperative, unconstrained, uncourtliness, undisciplined...
Then I got bored
Yes, ive done the same factor 30. Ive written down all the 13 lettered words that i could find including "unfortunately", but still ive met a brick wall., and the other one ive got "when a man"..... but cant see what the rest is.
Oh bless you! Thank you so much Fibonacci.I went for all the tests they do last week, but it has been cancelled now due to health reasons. I am now back on the waiting list, expected to be about five months.
Thank you for thinking of me. Its very disappointing.
I went for another cortisone injection in my knee yesterday.
oh sorry to hear your hospital visit has been cancelled, but cortesone injection very good my oh has them every six months , operation eventually but not ready yet