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Cowboy boots

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parkie | 22:49 Mon 05th Nov 2012 | Jokes
6 Answers
Bert was a real cowboy fan and when he was passing a shoe shop and saw some cowboy boots in the window he had to buy them.
He was so pleased with them he wore them home and walked straight into the kitchen where his wife was preparing the dinner.
"Notice anything different?" He asked.
"No," she replied.
"Well, look at me carefully," he said. "Are you sure you don't see anything different?"
"Nope" Came the reply.
In exasperation he went upstairs, stripped off, put on just his cowboy boots and went downstairs again.
"NOW do you see anything different about me?" He said.
"No," said his wife. "It was hanging down yesterday, it's hanging down today and it will probably be hanging down tomorrow."
"It's hanging down because it's pointing at my new cowboy boots." Said Bert.
"If that's the case," said his wife, "you'd have been better off buying a cowboy hat."


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Oldie but goodie
yep - like Starbies, fun to hear......
O but G.

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Cowboy boots

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