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percypineapple | 20:37 Mon 12th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Great grandaughter is 12 days old, no name yet. Her mum is looking for a soft, girlish name, but it must be unusual. Question is, could we make up a name ourselves? is it acceptable to do that, or is there a list of names somewhere that must be adhered to? parents names are john and jodie, their 20 month old son is Jaxson. do you have any ideas? I am fed up with calling her "baby".
Percy. ( not my real name, I couldn't dare mention it in public)


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You can make up a name, but remember the little girl may not thank you for having to spell it every time she meets someone new for the rest of her life. There are lots of soft, gentle names around that haven't been taken out and dusted off for a while - why not give some of them a whirl?
Anything goes really, as long as it's none of these!

is impossible to pronounce;
includes numbers or symbols (see section 2 below);
includes punctuation marks - although you can have a hyphen to link forenames or surnames (for example, if you want a double-barrelled name) and an apostrophe in the case of surnames like O'Brien;
is vulgar, offensive or blasphemous;
promotes criminal activities;
promotes racial or religious hatred;
promotes the use of controlled drugs or includes the generic or slang name for them;
ridicules people, groups, government departments, companies or organisations;
may result in others believing you have a conferred or inherited honour, title, rank or academic award, for example, a change of first name to Sir, Lord, Laird, Lady, Prince, Princess, Viscount, Baron, Baroness, General, Captain, Professor or Doctor etc.

Also, i'd be wary of names that will be difficult to say and especially hard to spell, poor little mites life will be hell!

As it is poor Jaxson's got a lifetime of having to correct others peoples spelling of his name (sorry)
By the way,the list above is from Deed Poll name restrictions list, should imagine the same rules apply for the original name.
You can make up anything you like, but at least give it a decent spelling - poor Jaxson will have to live with that for ever. A lot of people call their children very weird things - Apple and Twig. Juliet's nice, if they want to stick with the Js.
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Hi Dundurn,
i love some of the old fashioned names, but younger generation want something either television soapland, like lexi or alexa, or something totally strange, like the beckhams with brooklyn. Its a worry with the shortening of names, like sheila is she, and francis is fanny, not very nice to grow up with.
Fifi Trixibelle ?
Nuala ?
Two of my friends have recently been presented with grandaughters. One is called Torren and the other is called Ava. Neighbour's 4 month old daughter is called Phoebe.
Aoife sounds lovely though you might get problems with people spelling/pronouncing it unless in Ireland :)

J wise, Jasmine is nice and pretty.
when i was pg i fell in love with the name tallulah. Not all that soft, but deffo girly
Lil Schadenfreude ? She would forever have the edge on her brother's terribly misspelt name !
I like Ava and Eva too. Ella is nice too.

Ooh, J wise there is always Jenna though I guess I'm biased haha :)
Joelle (with the diddly dots on), had a girl at school called that.
Phoebe, Penelope, Martha, Amelie

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