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Easy As A B C

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birdie73 | 21:05 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers
Still having problems with this quiz so am looking for help again please !!
34 Second rate bats in parenthesises (8)
49 The pecan is terribly tasty and it's found in a tin box (8)
55 This little fellow likes a drive-it's all a big game to him (6)
59 The making of a meeting (8)
65 Shorten a village in Essex (7)
68 Firm supporter- but a slippery creature nonetheless (5)
69 A quiet Mother-that's quite clear (8)
78 He likes to rake in the money but haggles over our price (8)
80 -----plus a little extra (8)
82 There's a little street in the blockade that leads to a lawyer (9)
Thanks in advance for any help you can kindly give me.


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Thank you all so very much for your much appreciated answers, just a few to go now & then a big count down as there has to be 33 of each letter . Number 100 begins with D.
59. just a guess Briefing ?
Do you have the answer to number 100? If not, what is the clue?
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Thanks again TheWinner.
Would never have done this quiz without the help given from you all.
Thank-you TheWinner for those kind words so I don't feel such a twit,I could say I thought of beetle but I'd be telling fibs so well done!!!
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Yes thank you TheWinner I think it was the easiest clue of them all--
Just one in one hundred is also one in one hundred and one (9)- Dalmation ??
vakayu, you shouldn't ever have to apologise for getting an answer wrong, I do it all the time! I chose a stupid name for AB because when I joined I had just won a tenner in a competition. It's me that always looks like a T**T.
birdie73 That sounds very good to me. Well done and good luck.
59 assembly?
Question Author
Thanks quinie not many to go now & wil then have to hope the count up tallies.
I am still stuck on :-
80 ----plus a little extra (8)
90 H.R,H gets university degree for cooking (6)Want to make it Baker but it doesn't fit
93 Fair to say it's round about a closure (8)
94 Ambition to reach the top-get the point (6)
Thanks in advance for any help, must dash have Doctor's appointment.
Hi,birdie73,do these answers have to begin with A,B or C?
93 Carousel? anagram of a closure
Have to go to a meeting now but I'll think about the rest when I get back-if they haven't been solved.
90 baking-BA degree=king HRH
94 climax
80 allsorts
Question Author
Thanks so much quinie & vakayu for your very welcome help,sorry to not get back before but my doctors appointment led on to a blood test followed by a trip to the hospital for an x-ray.
I have only one left to do now :-
39 Cosy up to the royal household (5)
I will have a count up & see if I have 33 of each !!!.
39 court?
Good answer quinie and birdie happy to help and good luck with your countingmI hope it tallies up okay.
Thank you,vakayu.I was glad you got the others-I hadn't a clue!
How are you.birdie73? Hope the results of the checks were ok.It's a worrying time.
94 aspire
I like that answer,kettledrum.I had thought of aspire( to have ambition) but couldn't see the point!! Now I do.

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