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Easy As A B C

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birdie73 | 21:05 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers
Still having problems with this quiz so am looking for help again please !!
34 Second rate bats in parenthesises (8)
49 The pecan is terribly tasty and it's found in a tin box (8)
55 This little fellow likes a drive-it's all a big game to him (6)
59 The making of a meeting (8)
65 Shorten a village in Essex (7)
68 Firm supporter- but a slippery creature nonetheless (5)
69 A quiet Mother-that's quite clear (8)
78 He likes to rake in the money but haggles over our price (8)
80 -----plus a little extra (8)
82 There's a little street in the blockade that leads to a lawyer (9)
Thanks in advance for any help you can kindly give me.


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Thanks so much to quinie, kettledrum & vakayu for once again your very welcome help. Counting not going too well at the moment but I'm sure it will work out as I have a few with 2 answers.
Thanks for your kind interest quinie I heard this afternoon that my chest x-ray was OK but have to see my GP latter part of next week for blood test results & review of medication.
Back to the counting !!!!
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EUREKA !!!!!
I have 33 of each letter after making a few changes, now must write them out & hope they are all correct.
My Grateful thanks to all who helped me to finish this quiz I really appreciate it.

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Easy As A B C

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