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Whose Shed?

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Maydup | 21:19 Mon 18th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
For the first time this year I spent Sunday afternoon in the shed. It was really relaxing and the day was long. I potted plants, chitted the seed potatoes, tidied the paint pot shelf, sorted my seed tin and pondered a while.

Mr Maydup was watching the footie and I had the shed to myself. Bliss!

Is your shed a girl shed, a man shed or a bit of both?


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We have no shed. We have a happy division whereby he has all his power tools and "manstuff" in the garage and I have all my garden stuff and seed trays and pots in my polytunnel. I spent a lovely few hours out there on Sunday putting in some seeds.
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awww snug as a bug in a polytunnel!
Oh Maydup, I envy you ! A shed to retreat to ! Our shed has two defunct bicycles and a set of golf clubs squashed up with garden chairs. So the proverbial tip.
Mine's a 'falling apart' shed at the moment, but when we get a new one, well we actually need 2, I'm definitely bagsying a girl one for me.
i have visions of BM having to lie down on a polytunnel to plant things
I wish we had a shed then I could consign my husband to it whilst I got on with my stuff.
I'm thinking of buying a summerhouse so I can do that in reverse.
Here's mine...It's a girl place
So long as there is some homebrew and a chair hidden away in there I think that's the main thing :-)
Mine is a garden shed. And needs a tidy up if you like pottering in sheds.
Ooh mazie, that's a really posh shed :)
I've got it sussed Maydup. I have a heater out there, a stool, a small wine cellar....... ;)
Not really Rocky, it's my greenhouse and I love it
That's not a greenhouse Mazie - its a palace!!!!!!!!
I would love that too mazie, I'd probably live in it ;)
My shed is a beefed-up, fully terresteroned ( ? ) man-shed, maydup.....and Mrs Bear doesnt go in there at all, for the simple reason that she thinks that the assorted sized spiders in there have a personal gripe with her, and that she will be eaten alive, if she ever ventures inside.....she usually screams if she's by the door.

I quite like my shed spiders, and a few more friendly ones usually turn up to see what I'm up too in there, and trust that I'm not going to squash 'em..... lol :0)'s not really BM...I'm with you, I have my stool, a heater, a radio and a bottle of wine....Seed time, so can't wait to get started
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Beautiful shed mazie.

I'd happily tidy your shed old_geezer, (and I'd spare you the plastic boxes and labels I promise) but would I be allowed to throw anything away?
Anything that didn't work (except me).
Mazie, can I be a lodger in your 'shed'? It's amazing!
Of course you can Tilly....Just tell which wine you like ...It's not that amazing it's just a have to share it with the plants

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