I am a dreaful passenger, am always slamming my foot to the floor when I think they should be braking, I cough when they should be doing something else, and then I "suggest" things to improve their driving! Mr N actually got out one day and left me! (he came back!)
Im an OK passenger, I do enjoy being driven as well as being the driver. However, like many I do put my foot on the imaginary break pedal, I also think to myself 'you're a bit close to the kerb/that car/bike' etc etc lol.
I think I silently drive the vehicle. I find myself stepping on the brakes and watching the traffic lights, and occasional saying - "the light is red, stop; or watch out someone is crossing. I'm not quite as Mrs. Bouquet though :)
as a driver, the constant thought that a lunatic will make an attempt on my life at any moment, have music or the radio on, chuff the odd oily
as a passenger, the odd thought that a lunatic may make an attempt on our lives at any moment, listen to music or radio, read book, do crossword, slurp tea, feed driver the occasional toffee