Good evening and welcome to all Mad Over Fifties as Nungate Towers throws open it's doors and bid you welcome.
For your delight and entertainment we have an abundance of treats for you all.
Our hot plate special tonight will be a roast chicken with all the usual trimmings! Of course there will be our customary selection of volly vonts and canopies, nibbles too! On the pudding trolley tonight we have a banoffee pie we have a glut of bananas in the greenhouses, so for tonight's tailcock we have a Banana Daiquiri, (other beverages are also available and we also have banana splits as an alternative pud)
The Minstrels finally were released from the Bank on Tuesday and are once again in their usual spot in the gallery ready to torment us with their usual madrigals and toccattas, later on they have a rare treat in store as they give their musical interpretation of the greatest hits of Northern Soul....... ok The vast and extensive grounds of Nungate Towers have been opened to allow club members to stroll through, the maze is now open and rowing boats are available down by the lake. The bungee is ready for bouncing, the hot tub is bubbling nicely on the North Tower (mini bar has been replenished) and
Carlos Gonzales Shuttleworth and his Band of Mexican Banditos will be playing in the Ballroom for those members wishing to trip the light fantastic.
Let me remind all members that the moat is unsuitable for bathing owing to the resident piranhas. Members wishing to go swimming are advised to use the indoor pool which is situated in the basement beneath the West Tower.
We shall be holding a rofl later in the evening's proceeedings and all members wishing to participate are requested to get their tickets in the vestibule.
A warm welcome all who dare to enter these hallowed halls.
Why should I be miffed? Your Shiraz means I don't have to send Igor to the cellars for mine ...... by the way Igor, did DT leave the cellar key with you when he left?