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Well What A Week!!

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RATTER15 | 16:29 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Busiest week of my life. We are now living in dreamland and loving every miniute :-)

I will sort some pictures to put on here, we have only just got internet and phone etc. No internet on PC yet just on router and mobiles, If I get chance to to put in an extension to the office tomorrow, we will have PC's connected as well. We are slowly getting organised.


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Hey, well done RATTER, people have been asking about you and your move.
Looking forward to seeing pictures, Glad everything went well x
Hey!!! Ratter...good to hear from you. Dreamland? What a wonderful place to live....wishing you so much happiness......Gx
Never mind about you lot, how are the dogs?

Happy for you. Well done!
I bagsy the next AB meet up is at Ratters :-)

Glad it's going so well xx
Good to see you back. All sounds great x
Good to hear from you Ratter and well done. A dream realised.
Ratter how good to hear from you, and pleased it all went well. I am looking forward to the pictures.
Nice to hear all went well.
So delighted for you and yours Ratters, this is what life is all about.
It sounds great Ratter, I look forward to seeing your pictures.
I'm so glad it went well and you are finally settling in. Best wishes to all of you in your new home.
Good news ratter. Tilly was only asking after you this morning.
Congrats, hope your mother in law is settling in well, glad things are going well, x
Croeso i Gymru Ratter.
Glad it's all gone well for you.
Rhayader Carnival next weekend followed by the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show in Builth Wells.
glad everthing has went well with your house move, good luck!
Congratulations on your new home Ratter, hope you are as happy there as we are here. On a slightly sideways note, I don't suppose you want a horse do you, I've acquired one that needs rehoming, we can't keep him long term, we've got too many now, so he's up for a nice home somewhere.
Glad to hear you and Carakeel have survived the move and pressing on, ratter......look forward to the pics.

Beware gift horses in the mouth, they may have downed a few bottles of home-brew wine under the stairs.......
Hi Ratter....It's great to see a posting from you and a delight to hear you describe what is now your part of Wales as 'Dreamland'.

Best wishes to you and all who have moved along with you to their new home in North Wales.


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