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Ladymojo | 22:12 Thu 03rd Oct 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1. Sounds crude.

2. Sounds like a relative with a letter.

3. A surly fellow.

4. A cockney yell.

5. Smoother fish.

6. Runner in an offence.

7. Also 100 back.

8. Component of hill range.

Last one - I've got Turkey for 2 answers - A country & a jailer loses direction
(Turnkey). Any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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7. c oot
1 Ruff
Turnkey - Turkey is fine. Turnkey is a jailer, less North = Turkey
4. (h)owl
6 siskin (offence = sin; runner = ski)
8 Partridge?
5 Sanderling?
brilliant quinie
Question Author
Thankyou to all for your great answers x
happy to help
3 A bit iffy-crossbill?
Glad to help. Thanks ,Sam.
Question Author
Thanx again quinie x

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