Good Evening and Welcome To Nungate Towers for this evenings Mad Over Fifties Club.
This Evenings Tailcock is 'The Fez' (glasses come complete with little Fez hats) an Ode to Matt Smith. Its a lovely warming concoction if I say so myself so enjoy. On the Hot Plate we have 'The Chip Shop Selection' Fish, Sausages Puddings, Pies and all the lovelies you'd get down the chip (salt and sauce optional) the usual voly vents and canopies are also available. On the Pudding Trolley we have mini cornettos, magnums and viennetta's and also mini arctic rolls. The Tone Deafs are having their instruments re-tuned so they have found a Karaoke Machine so we can all have a sing song with them. The Hot Tub is as usual bubbling away. It has been a bit cold of late so tonight's available activities are Ice Skating on the Lake - skates and hats and gloves are available for hire. We also have Ice Carving in the Cool Room with Aunty Freeze - she's a truly 'cool' woman! The Games Room is also open if you don't fancy a cold evening ahead.
Last week the Rofl wasn't held and the items have been misplaced - but this evening I have
Spiced Orange and Ginger bubble bath - not spiced oranged or gingered!
Numerous Old Receipts
Tuesday's EuroMillions Ticket - not a winner
(i must say queenie, you are looking fine in your avatar)
please lead me to the hot-tub with a tailcock -- you will find the following items just inside the tardis door, for fofl prizes:-
spare fez (11th doctor)
some obsolete circuit boards from K9's last upgrade
question mark jumper (from 7th doctor's wardrobe)
a de-activated cybermat
an imprint in putty of the key of rassilon
Sir Isaac Newton's autograph
a bag of jelly babies