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Mad Over Fifties Club

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queenofmean | 20:08 Sat 29th Mar 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
196 Answers
Good Evening and Welcome to this Evening's Mad Over Fifties Club.

Please leave all your coats/bags/capes/brooms/keys etc with our lovely Igor. Please note that they may disappear and appear again in a few weeks! The Tailcock this evening is the Mother's Pride - a potent yet yeasty brew that is most certainly going to bring a smile to your face. On the hot plate this evening is a Warming Beef Stroganoff with piles of hot, fluffy rice and various sides. We also have the usual canopies and Volly Vents and Horses Doovers. On the Pudding Trolley we have a Peach Melba...please help yourselves. Entertainment this evening comes from the Bert Phanackapan and his Calypso and Limbo band (how low can YOU go?) Also for all you lovely ladies we have Ms P Amper doing nails, massages and facials in the parlour next to the Hot Tub and Swimming Pool. Guests are reminded that if they use the conservatory (the spider monkey does love company) they are not under any circumstances to feed the Triffid (the owner of the green hat still has not been found). Bungee will be restored in a matter of weeks, don't enter or throw anything in the moat, the piranhas don't like - and its mating season!

Daisynonna sends her apologies, she may be along later, owing to some family commitments, She has sent Ernie the sea Eagle with a few prize for the ROFL - box of fountain pen ink cartridges (assorted colours), a double barrelled pencil sharpener, 2 sheets of blotting paper 1 Pink, 1 White, and one left handed italic pen (Nungate has dibs)

A warm Welcome awaits those who dare enter these portals. Carriages at midnight


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I wouldn't have thought that a cloven hoof could hold a key!
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Tony....I know it wasn't you!
Sir A, remember the Goodies funky gibbon, bet you were good with that !.

Sir Alec
I wouldn't have thought that a cloven hoof could hold a key!

Sir A, a cloven hoof is the key to life ! Mwhaaa.

Question Author
Tony....I know it wasn't you!

Who was it, Queenie, I can keep a secret.
..... ah yes the mystery of the disappearing moat ..... the reason for the piranhas - I know who took the moat!

tie a yellow gibbon round the old oak tree
she wore a Yellow Gibbon.
I loved the Goodies! Tim Brooke-Taylor walking down the street dressed as John Travolta still has me in fits.
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I believe she wears marigolds and was a model
confession time: I bought a cd of the Goodies greatest hits all because I wanted "Father Christmas Do not Touch Me"

But they were great - bring back the Goodies!
Ah, also an all round good egg.
Say no more!
Was it this, Sir A. lol.
Well, it must have been.
I thought it was only cupid allowed multiples!
You've just joined the multiple club, Sir .
This is MOFC Sir Alec - Anything Goes (as long as there are no locked doors!)
I'm sure I saw a moat for sale on Ebay. One careful owner, buyer to collect Whitby area !.
I know your game, trying to distract me! Why would I need another moat? I already have one full of piranhas
Like Shaky, I always wondered what was going on behind the green door. Now, I know, it was the MOFC!

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