Still waiting for a call from him Tony.
A week before my Dad died, my sister's boyfriend asked me if I was going to use the same funeral director's as for my Mum.
He came rushing into the room I was in and blurted out that if we put my Dad into a home, we'd lose our inheritance and the house. No, I thought, you will!
Two days before my Dad died he said to me, "Not long now" Prize Pr1ck!
All he cares about is money and gadgets. My sister's tongue must be sore from licking his @rse all these years. My Dad couldn't stand him and wanted to change his will to leave me this house. He was never lucid for long enough to do it and now I feel bitter. He was adamant that the boyfriend wouldn't get any of his money. Sorry for the rant, I feel better now, but still frustrated that all my sister and he talk about is moving. I don't want to leave, but can't afford to buy them out.