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Mad Over Fifties Club

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queenofmean | 20:08 Sat 29th Mar 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
196 Answers
Good Evening and Welcome to this Evening's Mad Over Fifties Club.

Please leave all your coats/bags/capes/brooms/keys etc with our lovely Igor. Please note that they may disappear and appear again in a few weeks! The Tailcock this evening is the Mother's Pride - a potent yet yeasty brew that is most certainly going to bring a smile to your face. On the hot plate this evening is a Warming Beef Stroganoff with piles of hot, fluffy rice and various sides. We also have the usual canopies and Volly Vents and Horses Doovers. On the Pudding Trolley we have a Peach Melba...please help yourselves. Entertainment this evening comes from the Bert Phanackapan and his Calypso and Limbo band (how low can YOU go?) Also for all you lovely ladies we have Ms P Amper doing nails, massages and facials in the parlour next to the Hot Tub and Swimming Pool. Guests are reminded that if they use the conservatory (the spider monkey does love company) they are not under any circumstances to feed the Triffid (the owner of the green hat still has not been found). Bungee will be restored in a matter of weeks, don't enter or throw anything in the moat, the piranhas don't like - and its mating season!

Daisynonna sends her apologies, she may be along later, owing to some family commitments, She has sent Ernie the sea Eagle with a few prize for the ROFL - box of fountain pen ink cartridges (assorted colours), a double barrelled pencil sharpener, 2 sheets of blotting paper 1 Pink, 1 White, and one left handed italic pen (Nungate has dibs)

A warm Welcome awaits those who dare enter these portals. Carriages at midnight


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What's that you said Madame Daisy? You haven't eaten? I shall fetch you something on a tray
Daisy, you ought to eat before bed !.
Oh thanks Igor. Will do Tony.
Managed to find you a few little nice things Madame Daisy. do enjoy
How charming. Igor you are invaluable.
The perfect butler, Daisy.
Had one of those days. TV went doolally, managed eventually to fix it. Laptop lost connection, did get it back after a while. Then it froze. Went to cook and found macaroni packet 2 years out of date. Phone problems!
Good to be back amongst friends.
That's the sort of day when you ought to go back to bed and start again Daisy!
What will tomorrow bring? Apart from an hour's lost sleep.
Yep, a bad day, Daisy, why is it on a day like that anything that can go wrong does go wrong.
I know the feeling Daisy. My heating and hot water went off last Sunday. Boiler looked at and radiators flushed, cost £450. Still not working. If it wasn't for the oil filled radiator I've got, I'd be freezing right now.
A blue box with a red cross in it and 'Internet Disconnecting' just appeared on my computer and the whole thing switched itself off. Never had that before. Called on my sister's boyfriend, the so-called computer wizard, to help. He's not even emerged from the bedroom. Not his computer, not his problem. He's the most selfish, greedy person I've ever met and that's saying something! Left it awhile and turned it back on and it worked, but I don't know for how long.
Sir A, try doing a system restore on your computer.
Sir Alec, at least all it cost me is frustration. Sorry about your boiler Had to whisper, mine is terribly temperamental.
My heating and hot water went off last Sunday. Boiler looked at and radiators flushed, cost £450. Still not working.

Have you had the gas man back, Sir A, for £450 I'd certainly expect it to be fixed.
Ours too Daisy, blasted thing keeps going out......doesn't tellus when it's coming back or anything! Seriously though I hate the things!
Mine loses pressure and then zilch.
Do you have to keep on re pressurising it then, Daisy.
Still waiting for a call from him Tony.

A week before my Dad died, my sister's boyfriend asked me if I was going to use the same funeral director's as for my Mum.
He came rushing into the room I was in and blurted out that if we put my Dad into a home, we'd lose our inheritance and the house. No, I thought, you will!
Two days before my Dad died he said to me, "Not long now" Prize Pr1ck!
All he cares about is money and gadgets. My sister's tongue must be sore from licking his @rse all these years. My Dad couldn't stand him and wanted to change his will to leave me this house. He was never lucid for long enough to do it and now I feel bitter. He was adamant that the boyfriend wouldn't get any of his money. Sorry for the rant, I feel better now, but still frustrated that all my sister and he talk about is moving. I don't want to leave, but can't afford to buy them out.
That used to happen with our boiler Daisy, we had to get a man in, actually we had several before they actually got the blasted thing fixed

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