Society & Culture8 mins ago
Stolen Bird Feeders
5 Answers
Our garden backs onto a public path leading to woods. On the fence 7ft high including trellis, we hang a 'black seed' feeder for the goldfinches, which is not visible from path. It vanished yesterday, we then saw it in the tree on the public side, we went to retrieve it and found thin spikes pushed through it either side of perches and feed holes covered in a very sticky substance, obviously to maim or kill the birds. Thinking this was a one off, we put a new one on fence today and tied it on. It disappeared within hours. What do these horrible people get out of this, they are not just stealing them but really want to harm the birds.
Please report this to the RSPB http://www.r urwork/polic y/wildbirdsl aw/reportfor m.aspx
17:09 Sat 19th Apr 2014
Please report this to the RSPB
http:// www.rsp k/ourwo rk/poli cy/wild birdsla w/repor tform.a spx
Many thanks for replies, especially Milvus. I have investigated further and realise I am rather naïve, I didn't realise that there is an illegal trade in Goldfinches, apparently thin sticks are coated in a very sticky substance and inserted into feeders and the birds are trapped and are then retrieved, if not too damaged and sold or bred from. How horrible is that. The thieves didn't get into our garden but managed to get the feeders through the trellis probably with a hook or something, but thanks Tilly2