Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Mm Links Results April 2014 Week 4
6 Answers
What an exciting end to this month's MM Links Game.
Players claimed even more points than last week and a new triple-hitter came up from behind to challenge the leaders.
Now the game has closed, I can reveal that the Lady Jill's links that you were after were:
SHOPPING TROLLEY/CART (though none of our overseas players opted for CART)
Three of those were found within the first two minutes of play while the final link only held out for a further 40 minutes.
See below for the details.
Best Answer
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.First out of The Shrubbery gates was Boxtops to claim a share of the FOOD BANK along with ulysses100, owllady, grannydi & scorpiojo (All collect 2 points)
Although Roslyn 251254 wasn't as quick off the mark as usual, she still managed to be the first visitor to the THEME PARK. Scorpiojo was close enough behind to also claim a bonus - 2 points each.
There was an early flurry of basket shoppers but the more serious shoppers weren't far behind, each pushing a SHOPPING TROLLEY, led by Rockfordill accompanied by owllady, grannydi, scorpiojo, cliffyg & kawakiri for their 2 points.
Baza obviously dislikes supermarkets and instead preferred to take a gentle stroll down to the MARKET PLACE where things were a litle quieter but still worth 2 points.
Did you spot one name getting THREE mentions above? A relatively new player and our latest Hotshot:-
***** HOTSHOT FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK IS *****
**** S C O R P I O J O ****
In summary, this week's scorers were:
6 scorpiojo
4 grannydi, owllady
3 baza
2 boxtops, Brenden, cliffyg, kawakiri, pixie373, rockfordill, roslyn251254 & ulysses100
1 andres, CHRIS-Hewat, elliemay1, Elspeth, Handbaglady, jobjockey, Onty (Mrs O), roopower, SHAZZA-Hewat & twix123
Those scores, when added to the leaderboard show a very interesting contest for the championship.
The top three positions are now:
10 cliffyg
10 grannydi
10 scorpiojo
All were made up of 5 correct matches and 5 bonus points earned on three of the four weeks so there is no way to separate them.
Since there are no facilities to have a play-off, I declare the three of them to be joint champions for April.
******* A P R I L ARE *******
******* C L I F F Y G *******
****** G R A N N Y D I ******
***** S C O R P I O J O *****
The rest of the final April scoreboard ended up as:
7 baza & owllady
6 rockfordill
4 beejay1124, Elspeth, kawakiri, roslyn251254 & ulysses100
3 andres, boxtops, Brenden, Handbaglady & roopower
2 Aquagility, BigMac, CHRIS-Hewat, Christiana, deecee131, eccles, elliemay1, middlestump, Onty (Mrs O), pixie373, twix123, wickedtongue & x-ray
1 jobjockey, lysander, Magyar, Onty (Mr O), rockfordill(MrsR). seekeerz & SHAZZA-Hewat
. . . and of course 'Well Done' to all point scorers.
I now have to select one of the leaders to be the new setter. That is easy because Scorpiojo has never been offered the chance before and she can now find out how the game is run from the other side of the Shrubbery fence.
****** M A Y SHOULD BE ******
****** S C O R P I O J O ******
Would Scorpiojo please contact me by email at
You will be given as much help as you need for the task - nothing to be afraid of - no obstacle that cannot be overcome.
My final duty tonight is to thank this month's setter 'Lady Jill' (aka tearinghair) for choosing April's challenges for you. She gave us a fair mixture with two low-scoring weeks and two high ones. There should have been points for everyone but sadly there were still a handful of serious players left in the Free-Fall Club. Better luck next month guys.
April's scores have now been wiped from the abacus and May will start with a clean slate next Saturday.
So until then
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking
Although Roslyn 251254 wasn't as quick off the mark as usual, she still managed to be the first visitor to the THEME PARK. Scorpiojo was close enough behind to also claim a bonus - 2 points each.
There was an early flurry of basket shoppers but the more serious shoppers weren't far behind, each pushing a SHOPPING TROLLEY, led by Rockfordill accompanied by owllady, grannydi, scorpiojo, cliffyg & kawakiri for their 2 points.
Baza obviously dislikes supermarkets and instead preferred to take a gentle stroll down to the MARKET PLACE where things were a litle quieter but still worth 2 points.
Did you spot one name getting THREE mentions above? A relatively new player and our latest Hotshot:-
***** HOTSHOT FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK IS *****
**** S C O R P I O J O ****
In summary, this week's scorers were:
6 scorpiojo
4 grannydi, owllady
3 baza
2 boxtops, Brenden, cliffyg, kawakiri, pixie373, rockfordill, roslyn251254 & ulysses100
1 andres, CHRIS-Hewat, elliemay1, Elspeth, Handbaglady, jobjockey, Onty (Mrs O), roopower, SHAZZA-Hewat & twix123
Those scores, when added to the leaderboard show a very interesting contest for the championship.
The top three positions are now:
10 cliffyg
10 grannydi
10 scorpiojo
All were made up of 5 correct matches and 5 bonus points earned on three of the four weeks so there is no way to separate them.
Since there are no facilities to have a play-off, I declare the three of them to be joint champions for April.
******* A P R I L ARE *******
******* C L I F F Y G *******
****** G R A N N Y D I ******
***** S C O R P I O J O *****
The rest of the final April scoreboard ended up as:
7 baza & owllady
6 rockfordill
4 beejay1124, Elspeth, kawakiri, roslyn251254 & ulysses100
3 andres, boxtops, Brenden, Handbaglady & roopower
2 Aquagility, BigMac, CHRIS-Hewat, Christiana, deecee131, eccles, elliemay1, middlestump, Onty (Mrs O), pixie373, twix123, wickedtongue & x-ray
1 jobjockey, lysander, Magyar, Onty (Mr O), rockfordill(MrsR). seekeerz & SHAZZA-Hewat
. . . and of course 'Well Done' to all point scorers.
I now have to select one of the leaders to be the new setter. That is easy because Scorpiojo has never been offered the chance before and she can now find out how the game is run from the other side of the Shrubbery fence.
****** M A Y SHOULD BE ******
****** S C O R P I O J O ******
Would Scorpiojo please contact me by email at
You will be given as much help as you need for the task - nothing to be afraid of - no obstacle that cannot be overcome.
My final duty tonight is to thank this month's setter 'Lady Jill' (aka tearinghair) for choosing April's challenges for you. She gave us a fair mixture with two low-scoring weeks and two high ones. There should have been points for everyone but sadly there were still a handful of serious players left in the Free-Fall Club. Better luck next month guys.
April's scores have now been wiped from the abacus and May will start with a clean slate next Saturday.
So until then
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking