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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 20:06 Sat 10th May 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
177 Answers
Good evening and welcome to Nungate Towers, time for AB's Mad Over Fifties to meet for an evening of culture and reflection or failing that the usual mayhem and madness which usually takes place on these evenings.
Igor is lurking at the main entrance waiting for the arrival of our guests so he can help them out of their coats, cloaks and broomsticks in order for their concealment in the variety of crooks and nannies he has found around the Towers members are advised that their items are left at their own risk and the management cannot guarantee their safe return at the end of the evening
Tonight's Tailcock will be the "Eurovision" an international sort of brew, yet interesting..........
Our Hot Plate Specials Tonight have a truly international theme, we have Paella, Sauerkraut, Spaghetti, Fondue, and pickled herrings.....of course there will also volly vonts, canopies and horses doovers. On the pudding trolley, we have Tiramisu, Danish pastries, Crema Catalana, and Gateau St Honore (I have just gained 10lbs just typing that!)
For our entertainment tonight we have engaged the services of our favourite local band the Tone Deafs who will be performing the greatest hits of Eurovision, and we have also decided to have a Karaoke evening, it's going to be busy down in the Ballroom tonight! Yet again the Minstrels have found a way in, and are setting up in the Gallery in the Great Hall ready with their usual selection of madrigals and toccattas................spare us..........please!
For members not wishing to indulge in any musical interlude, we have an interesting variety of amenities for our members, from the indoor pool down in the dungeon, (swimwear is available for members who didn't bring any - skinny dippy is frowned upon - indoor pool does not approve! On the topmost Tower, members will find the bungee, all ready and waiting for bouncing, just be careful not to land in the moat, the piranhas bite! On the North Tower we have the hot tub just bubbling away, nearby his friend the mini bar, (suitably replenished from last meeting) is waiting. Members are welcome to wander in the extensive grounds of the Towers, and they can also access the beach, though bathing is not recommended as the water is too cold at the moment. Also outdoors, there is a race track and cars ready for racing and the rowing boats are again available for rowing out on the lake. Back indoors, members can also use our library, gym and the conservatory (though members are reminded not to feed the Triffid its not due another feed until midsummer)
A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight



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They have all been reallocated to street cleaning Tony.
Another question for you, nungate, why are they called Raith Rovers ?, is there an area called Raith.
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The speed of Eric means the Broom police can never catch him, and therefore Daisy! I have heard the sonic boom as she passes over as she slows down.....
Glad to hear that, Daisy, so I won't get pulled for speeding then next Saturday evening.
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again, not a clue Tony, I'll ask her beau on his next visit, don't know Fife that well
Could you not mention speeding Tony?
Perhaps a boom would be useful when we go into glide mode nun.
Not on a broom was you, Zacs ?.
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would that be a sore point ZM?
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perhaps Daisy, perhaps but Eric goes at such a lick he should maybe slow down a bit as he crosses the border
Most vehicles look like vehicles. Broomsticks look like garden implements especially if you have the foresight to cloak the add-ons.
Yeah, good idea that, nungate, that border patrol are always looking to nick people, glide mode and they won't know that were coming.
Like the Night Train nun? I will suggest that to him. Not au fait with Scottish Law.
if you have the foresight to cloak the add-ons.

Bet those optional extras can be a bit pricey, Daisy.
Does anyone need refills? I've replenshed the drinks trolley and topped up the
food trolley so please everyone help yourselves. Madame is a bit lost at the moment, she'll be back in a few minutes
Sure do, Igor, another bucket here please and I think I'll try some of that Gateau St Honore.
Granny Cassie had a frying pan which when heated produced £5 notes. That's what she told me.
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Scottish Law? I know some things are different but .... exactly what, thought is easier to buy a house here - no chains! Yes just like the night train slow at the border!
Well done Igor. Tony, would you be so kind as to replenish my bucket?
did someone mention chains? Who said Chains? is it my chains?

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