Question Author
'King Penguin' did in fact offer a few clues in the preamble that could have helped, but equally, other references could have been misleading.
The mentions of 'thermal springs' and 'hot springs' was supposed to implant the word 'Spring' in your mind.
It did just that for first player Grannydi who claimed 2 points for SPRING WATER
A couple, of mentions, towards the end, referring to 'Light' should have suggested 'Lamp'
Third player, Tearinghair was first with LAVA LAMP. Boxtops, Cliffyg, Kawakiri and Cupid04 were also remembered that 60s invention (or its recent revival) within the bonus window for 2 points each.
Incidentally, when planning this week's challenge, I considered making 'LAVA' link with 'TORY' but rejected it on the grounds that only Strix was likely to guess it - He did! I therefore award him 2 points in consolation.
I also mentioned trying to get the last few players onto the scoreboard but Beejay1124, and then Cupid04, who were already out of the 'free-fall club', opted for FREE FALL for their 2 points.
Three minutes into the game and Kawakiri opted for FIELD TRIP (2 points) to complete the discovery of the links.
Thereafter there were only single points available for matches.
Five players managed to achieve double-hits, kawakiri, cupid04, elliemay1, seekeerz and Handbaglady. The first two were on full bonus points so I declare equal horshots this week.
***** HOTSHOTS FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK ARE *****
****** K A W A K I R I *******
***** and C U P I D 04 ******
This week's scorers were:
4 cupid04 & kawakiri
2 beejay1124, boxtops, cliffyg, elliemay1, grannydi, Handbaglady, seekeerz, Strix & tearinghair
1 baza, Brenden, jobjockey, pixie373, roopower & ulysses100
(continued below)