Welcome to Mad Over Fifties Club, in light of the wonderful weather we have here at Nungate Towers, we're holding tonights meeting down on the beach.
The Tailcock tonight is the "Sandy Shore" (no strings attached!) just the thing to sip when barefoot!
We have set up the barbecue, and Luigi's Ice Cream van will be along later.
DJ Bert Fanackapan is just setting up down by the mooring for Polar Bear's 'Berg keeping things nice and cool.
Tonight's festivities will be whatever members decide they should be, all the facilities are available for members use, from the indoor pool in the dungeon to the bungee on the topmost Tower (beware of the piranhas in the moat when jumping)
A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals
none too clear what's happening with me either Daisy. I will be away, and I'm not sure about taking the laptop or what's available at the hotel etc. Nobody tells me anything, guess I'll find out when it's almost time to leave
As soon as I know Tony, you will. I am not the one organising this trip, so naturally it's all going to pot in a handcart as it were!
I will be in touch (sooner than you might think)
Good night and sleep well