Really stuck on this last one. Has anyone got an answer. No. 43. A king and a mirage (4,6,3,5,7). Willing to swap any answer to first person to give correct answer. Thanks in hope.
Morgana has several derivations of her name, none of which fit the letters. She was Arthur' s half sister - I'm not sure if there was anything that would make them ' legendary lovers' , but haven't got an answer either!
King Edward and Wallis Simpson, not King George. The Queen Mother would have been even more against her! Still doesn't fit though, just realised, sorry.
Roopower for 47. I have Celine Dion and Rene Angeline. Not convinced though. Thanks to all who tried to help with A king and a Mirage. If nothing else comes up I'll use Danny's suggestion of King Arthur and Fairy Morgan. Best bet so far.