Hello. I've suddenly started peeing a lot in the last few days. Thought it might have been cystitis coming on but my pee is clear and there's no stinging. I'm trying to drink more water coz of the weather but nothing major so can't see that making much of a difference. I can go about 4 times before I leave the house for work and I'm peeing properly each time.
I have felt mega tired but not sure if that's to do with the weather and me suffering from hayfever.
I've also (yesterday and today) got a rather dry mouth but don't know if I'm noticing it more coz I've been reading up on diabetes! I know, you should never Google anything!!
Any clues? I don't mind going to the docs to ask about it but don't want to be one of these people who goes for anything and everything!!
I pee for Scotland..went for scans etc saw cosultant urologist and they gave me pills..but they had so many side effects I stopped taking them. They will take a gallon of blood and test for everything including diabetes. I have learned to put up with it and know every public toilet in the UK ! lol
If you are drinking more, because of the hot weather, you will pee more.
Wait until the hot weather goes, or perhaps for 3 or 4 weeks and then come back to us if there is no improvement.
I'm not drinking that much more to be honest. When I thought it might be cystitis, that's when I tried to drink water more regularly to flush it all through. But I was starting to pee more BEFORE I started drinking more.
Have you got any water retention anywhere like round your feet/ankles in this heat?
I suffer with a lot of fluid in my feet, ankles and legs and once it cools down a bit and I get my feet raised to drain it out I am up and down to the loo and peeing gallons! I am also drinking more as well due to the heat though so that too.