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jillie | 09:42 Fri 16th Sep 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

answers are all fabric or clothing materials

1 Here the queen is a duke  6

2 brought up by the cat in Cranford  4

3 Labour with energy for this  5

4 Worn by the arm that caught excalibut  6

Many thanks everyone



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I think the labour with energy one is TOILE
2. Lace
Seabrook - great answer but is it just me or is that rather obscure. Has everyone read 'Cranford' or is it a W.I. thing?


197In those old days, one summer noon, an arm
198Rose up from out the bosom of the lake,
199Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful,
200Holding the sword--and how I row'd across

samite (fabric with golden tracery)

! Jersey
Great answer julifer.
Sorry, juliefer
It is indeed lace.I have answered this so many times.
In Cranford by Gaskell Mrs Foresters cat eats her lace collar which she soaked in milk to whiten it. They then had to give the cat an emetic so it brought the lace up again.

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