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Anagrammes Of Pubs - Clubs - Hotels In Cumbria

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thicktwit | 19:44 Thu 16th Jul 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers
a few more im racking my brain with

15, p.t.n.n.h.s.s.r.r.s.a.i.e.e.m 3-8-4

16, b.b.h.c.c.i.a.o.e.e.u.t.l.n.s.c.o.a 3-6-6-4

17, n.n.n.b.y.k.o.s.t.e.e.i.c 10-3

20. d.d.l.l.h.w.f.t.m.r.s.s.o.o.a.e.e 3-10-4

21, b.b.d.r.t.g.n.n.h.h.e.e.e.a.i.l.i 3-5-6-3

23, n.n.n.p.v.t.t.l.c.s.r.a.a.a.e.e.i.o.n 7-6-6

thanks in advance


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15 the printers arms ?
20 and 21 probably begin with THE so takes those letters out and see what's left- an anagram solver site may then help
20 the oddfellows arms
The something BRIDGE INN for 21?
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number 16 is the only one left to get , anagramme slover helped with some
The Belah Bridge Inn
You're one letter short for Q16
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16 Only 18 letters, clue asks 19, think I may have answer with extra letter, THE ?????? SOCIAL CLUB
^ Beacon..well done again, Dave :)
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No D in that...there's an L missing
Thanks SJ I was hoping the N was missing. Don't know the area but they must talk summat like what us does
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Surely you mean like what we do, Dave? Lol
Well, back to the drawing board - was so pleased I nearly handed my Maltesers out
Yes of course, I must watch my grammar
Sorry, meant as a joke, not the grammar police :)

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Anagrammes Of Pubs - Clubs - Hotels In Cumbria

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