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English Writers

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puzzlit | 14:29 Wed 05th Aug 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Sounds like an endurance after pain (9)

Does London bar this craftsman? (6)

Any clues please



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Potter Potters Bar
14:45 Wed 05th Aug 2015
Wanted clues Danny
Sorry, must learn to read post properly.
2 The name of a craftsman and Nearly a London Underground Station
Sorry its a station near london so I may not be correct.
Potter Potters Bar
Question Author
Thanks Danny and Davemano. I should have got the first one but I doubt if I would have worked out Potter
Not sure why you gave the answer I hinted at for Puzzlit Dave ?
glad i'm not the only one that misses the clue bit lol
emeritus You have been on here a considerably lot longer than me (months) and are conversant with manners of posting, which I am not. Similar to Danny I didn't read the post properly, but will get used to it. I simply read the question an posted an answer before I saw your posts, which didn't mean a lot to me. My answer came from browsing writers. I will abide by the rules in future.

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