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More 4 the mother in law

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astondog | 14:34 Thu 22nd Sep 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Help me again as I have the computer and the wife and mother outlaw gang up on me, crossword clues;

Weekly wages: -A-S

Cloud cover: O-TA

Judo Outfit: G-S

Cheops' father: SNE-RU

Worthless ore material: GA-GUE

Conical rocket-head: O-IVE

Cheers to all that help us, Tony

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Cheops Father. Snefru.
Sneferu was Cheops father
Judo outfit ...Gis
Rocket head ..Ogive
Cloud cover... i think is Octa.
Re the weekly wages one.I had this clue in a Lovatts Monster recently. I am 100% certain my clues down are correct and I can only find Pays..to fit. Surely weekly wages are Pay. Is this a mistake on the part of the compiler?
Gangue ...for the worthless ore material
What about WADS as in wads of money for weekly wages.
Question Author
Thanks everyone  Tony
I did think of that fergol ..however on looking it up in Chambers it seems to mean a really large sum of money ,ie a roll of banknotes.However it sounds better than pays.
Lucky people who get wads of money each week !!
Weekly wages could be BACS the british bank account clearing  system from which all companies transfer money into employees accounts
Thank you..another good answer. i shall have to toss a coin now !!
Sorry for hijacking your thread astondog !!

astondog or shaneystar - can I ask where you got GIS from as the judo outfit? - I can't find that anywhere. Well to be more precise cannot find GIS as a singular noun. Gi or Gie come up in Chambers as a Judo or Karate uniform, the first of which may give GIS as the plural?

HI Biley.
.I think astondogs MIL is doing a Lovatts crossword here and the clue is judo outfits...not outfit.Lovatts often throw this clue in to confuse people. I had a job to find it in any of my dictionaries.On Google when I typed in Judo Gis that is what came up. .Also when I have checked my answers from Lovatts Gis has been correct.
Having said that I can't find a plural for Gi in any dictionary.

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