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Feed The Birds

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Dougday | 07:34 Sat 17th Sep 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
Almost a pop group (11) bovine or a bird (3,4) professor yaffle (10) She's the leader of the pack (5,3) A twisted body part (7) Two birds as one (11) There were two (6,5) Is it ragged (5) A TV series (6) a big thank you or the help


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She's the leader of the pack Brown Owl
4.Brown Owl
Is it ragged- Robin
TV series- Magpie
two birds - Sparrowhawk
There were 2 Turtle Doves
There are two pop groups

(The) Nightingale(s)

(The) Hummingbird(s) - although they are Australian
Housemartin is more likely i think for 1 (The Housemartins)
5 (Twisted body part) Wryneck
Question Author
Thanks for all help ,confused with two left to do ,A TV series (6) A kids TV Programme (6)
As Danny suggested for kids tv , Magpie
Tv series - Cuckoo?
..or Budgie?
Magpie was a childrens programme.

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Feed The Birds

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