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Know Body

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Pazzapam | 21:54 Fri 17th Mar 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
1. Action that allows water to flow through narrow spaces (9)
2. Pipe joiner or small tube for oil dispensing (6)
3. Oil causing concern over deforestation (4)
4. To stand as safety at the base of a ladder (4)
5. Muscle exerts ton around end of bone (6)
All answers concern parts of the body, an are singular not plural. Thanks, fellow quizzers!


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5 T end on
4. heel
1 ventricle?
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Motor Neurone Disease Association (MDNA) quiz available from Mrs Richardson, 8 Mardale Ave. Morecambe Lancs LA4 5XF closing date 17th June 2017 entry £1 website:
I think number 2 is going to be TUBULE, but I can't get the parsing
pipe joiner or smll tube = tubule
I can also see lube, but ................................................
4 is to "foot" a ladder, not heel.
1 capillary
4 foot
pipe joiner = tubule, small tube = TU, + LUBE dispersed

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