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St Where Was I?

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goodgoalie | 12:15 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Afternoon, Flonska. Yes, this week's puzzle took me pretty much till now to solve. Think I've been all round England (for a while I thought the mineral was Blue John), and I was even in Scotland for a while - thought the island was The Isle of May, somewhere I've stayed a couple of times many years ago. Need to do some cleaning of my own jalopy now!


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and . . . . a bright and sunny good afternoon to you GG. When I saw Little London, this week, I immediately thought - crafty . . the puzzler is still in Scotland and maybe returning to a previous location - Eday perhaps, (remember . . . London Airport?) - or is now on a visit to one of the other Orkney Isles. This reinforced the temptation to focus upon the clues in the order presented - hence about 20 - 30 mins elapsed with scant reward. I became prompted to alter course and get to grips with latter clues, when, although close to Little London, (4-5 miles), Ewhurst Pond could hardly be described as any sort of lake - never mind one of the county's largest! Like the pigeon or the magpie - once airborne - the time to solve the puzzle flew by. Nice to see a reminder of another good piece of viaduct construction, though, I find it sad that so many became isolated by the fall of Dr Beeching's Axe in the early sixties.
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Hi F. Just looked up the Ewhurst Pond you mentioned, and you seem to be in a very different county to me. I was in, er, Cornwall - the mineral being china clay. Have I read your post correctly?
Sorry GG -me being cryptic - bit too cryptic!
Opening clue = millions of little londons on-line. Having pored over a few and researched parts of scotland as indicated, I found another of the same name which is in Hants but that only had the pond nearby - not a lake. So, I went to the last sets of clues. Using the "air connection" immediately got the squadron base. From there, I worked back to the town, railway, and across the trig point to the place to view the island. On a visit, some time ago, to the actual town there, I bought and ate one of the genuine and best pasties ever!

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St Where Was I?

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