I found this little analogy quite succinct.
//Dear Dierdre, can you help?
I live in a large block of flats with 27 other families. The number has tripled since we moved in 40 years ago and whilst they are nice people we are unhappy with the changes. It used to be smaller, friendlier and we had a lot in common.The management Committee is interfering in our day to day lives, even down to which shops we can use, how much we can spend and what products we can buy. They are now insisting that the other families are to use an invented currency. This has resulted in the unfortunate effect of impoverishing some of the families. who do not use it in the manner that the management would like. In fact we have had to take some other family members into our flat and give them little jobs around the place, which has put a strain on our own resources. The building has been extended to accommodate more and more families and there are increasingly vociferous demands for money to do things that we don't agree with. The management has also started to talk about a vague project, which sounds very expensive but refuse to show quotations and are saying no expense sheet will be available. So we recently decided to move elsewhere. We gave our notice to quit earlier this year, as per the terms of our agreed lease. But the families we thought were our friends, including some we had supported and helped before we moved in have turned nasty. Even though we are leaving according to the terms of the lease and will ensure that our apartment will be clean and tidy and ready for someone else to move into, the management committee has presented us with an invoice that is 10 times our annual maintenance charge. Is this a fine for wishing to leave the block, and has it been set very high to deter anyone else who may wish to leave? Perhaps it is an attempt to extort extra money for the management kitty, as we were one of the largest contributors to it. We have asked for an itemised bill, but that is not forthcoming, so we cannot see why we should be expected to pay up without question. We have nothing against the other families, it is just that due to all the enormous forced changes that have taken place over the years, we no longer enjoy living there. Is it too much to ask that we can simply be allowed to leave and get on with our lives? //