car name in The AnswerBank: Phrases & Sayings
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car name

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LaineyG | 23:53 Fri 28th Oct 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
17 Answers
i really want a cool name for my car, my boy is quite interested in bats and my favourite colour is red. does anybody have any clever ideas
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Batmobile with Robin & Batman
LaineyG said 'clever', Fib. :-)
"The Bloody Vampire" seems to cover both elements!
LANGUAGE QM! <walks away, shaking head in disbelief>
Ach, awa' ye go, min! Ah wis jist seekin' tae suggest reedness, 'at's a'. Weel, 'at's ma story onywye, TCL. (Fit like?)

QM, are you feeling all right? You haven't been eating sporrans or deepfried Mars bars or anything?

Good suggestion, though.

Don't worry about it, Jno! It's just that, occasionally, when TCL and I cross paths, one or other of us is overcome by an overwhelming need to lapse into the Doric. To be honest, I'd have expected his stage direction to read "Daun'ers awa' shakkin 'is heid 'cos 'e canna believe't."
You don't actually say that your car is red. Is it? Also what is its make and model? That might stimulate some more ideas.
The Batsy.

Why do you want to name your car?

Little Red Rooster

here's a few for you

'battered' 'cos it will be if you spend too much time thinking about its name whilst driving...

'the red bat' (american comic super spy of the 1940s)

'arthur' :cool name for a car regardless of colour or animal species

The Crimson Flyer, or

The Scarlet Harlot

haha. im glad someone else names there car!!!! everyone thought i was mad for naming mine. my first car - a citroen ax, was named stella...... lol. my second and current car -a citroen saxo is named archie! both after alcholic drinks, even thought iv cut right down lol..... future names will prob include bud, foster, ginny, vodka........... :)
...and finally Ovaltine eh stellaqueen?

Here's why : http://www.bacardi.com/
How about "carlet o'hara" heres a fine stick to be beating the car with.

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