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Jude123 | 16:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
23:24 Tue 03rd Aug 2010
they can be hard to get rid of

Happy birthday Dolly and many many more of them!

Happy Birthday Dolly old bean! and many more of them xxxxxx
I think it must have rained here last night cos there's dried mud everywhere or it may be sand. Patio is a mess. Also there was a huge dead rat outside the front door for me to dispose of, thank you mousey!!!!

Off to medico in half an hour but typically the knee doesn't hurt so much now!!!
Yes, jude I saw The Reader, brilliant film.
goodness, we have mud already on the ground here and rain comes down from the heavens (and lots more due today); I didn't realise Ibiza was built upside down.
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Morning Everybiddy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOLLY.
Morning all,
oh dear, it's that morning after feeling http://farm2.static.f...721913_33a9c5055b.jpg
I'll get my grandson to kick him out...yes, that was really him on last night's pic, I couldn't resist posting it, it's such a sweet photo.

Very chilly here today. :o(
Morning all. I am going to make a tremendous effort today to get going and beat this depressive state I am in at the moment.

Happy Birthday to Dolly (a bit late)!!

Your grandson is lovely Robi. So very sweet!

Back from medico, I've strained or sprained it by going for my long walk last week! Honestly you're hanged if you do and you're hanged if you don't, have to rest it and take Ibuprofen! The mole is gonna be removed in the winter as they do not like to do any op non urgent in the heat and he says looks fine.

jno the mud came from the heavens with the rain, it actually comes from the Sahara so guess it's sand.
Where's robi's grandson? not that little love with the roo????
Morning all
And a very Happy Birthday to you Dolly
Hope you have a lovely day and Many Happy Returns xx

Nothing spectacular weatherwise here ,cool and windy .
Lovely picture of your grandmonster Robinia :)

I have to totter to the shops ,see you all later .Be good .
Thanks all, he's a cutie...and a monster sometimes :o) (yes neti, that's the one)
Hope your knee gets better, I know what you mean, I've been told to take gentle excercise but it's easy to get carried away on a good day & then I pay for it for ages afterwards.

I've got to totter to the shops in the piddling rain, this weather's enough to put me in a slough of despond & my heart sinks when I see the year slipping away. Chin up Lottie, you could always get the resident doc to slap you on the back & tell you to get on with it...I always suspected that was his way. Very helpful.
ps I'll be back with a new home shortly
pps Love neti's new avatar & the one with shaney playing footie :o)
My avatar is a foto I took last year in a tea shop in Eastbourne, she is a real life model and I love her!!!

Gorgeous little grandson, is this the recently arrived in Oz one, looks happy enough!

Overcast here also but so sticky. I loved it when the doc was massaging and pulling my legs about, it was honestly so relaxing, and he is so good looking (his name is Adolph!! well Adolfo here). When I got there I said that it had been swollen all week and was not so bad now, and he said well bugger off then, well not in so many words but he was laughing!
ha ha I was looking for shaney the person playing footy, oh neti, get a grip, been hunting for glasses for ages and yes, they were on top of my head!!
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A lovely photo Robi I didn't realize is was your grandson.
How is life going for your family out in Oz Robi?
They seem ok Lottie but of course it's all a new adventure at the moment...not sure that being in daughter-i-l's brother's small bungalow is going down too well though & I expect he'll be relieved when they've gone. My son's been promoted already! I did ask him if it was because he'd scared everyone else into leaving, he's erm a bit of an 'organiser' at work apparently...can't imagine where he gets it from? :o) I think xmas and the hottest months will be a decisive time.

Neti my sister & bro-i-law went on the train to Eastbourne yesterday, it was better weather than what we had. Today's even worse, just a soaking at the shops...but I got a lovely bunch of gladdies from tescies for £2 possums!
Hurry up Kit, we're packing up here.

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