Jokes0 min ago
Only A Week To Go And
It looks as if reality has finally dawned on them
In Germany, fears are growing that the ship of Europe is sailing troubled waters. Soon it could be dashed on the rocks.
Why the anxiety? The looming impact of Brexit, as politicians and policy-makers across the continent begin to recognise that Britain’s departure represents a daunting challenge to the European project.
According to the relentless propaganda of the pro-EU cause, Europe would forge ahead on the global stage, ever more united, while the UK would slide into insularity and decline.
But that narrative is starting to look like a delusion.
Headed by a strong government and sustained by a dynamic economy, it is Britain that can look forward to the future with confidence, while the EU and its member states remain trapped in bureaucratic sclerosis, obsessed with regulation and welfare when much of the rest of the world is embracing commercial freedom.
Britain looks like it can manage well without the EU. But can the EU manage without Britain?
Your economy is bigger than the 18 smallest EU countries combined. This means in economic terms that the EU will lose not just one member state — but shrink from 28 members to ten.
On a purely fiscal level, the loss of Britain’s contribution will have huge implications for the EU’s budget.
And, on much a deeper level, Europe will also badly feel the loss of the Anglo-Saxon, pro-market business model, when so many EU governments are addicted to a quasi-socialist, big-state, heavily interventionist approach."
There is more much more. Who do you think is saying it? Farage? No...Alexander von Schoenburg. Editor of Bild. It is exactly what some of us have been saying for years but he is not being ridiculed or shouted down. Strange that....perhaps we will get an apology. We have much to celebrate in a weeks time and much to do in the coming years. The first thing we must do however is promise ourselves never to give up our sovereign rights to a foreign power again.
https:/ /expres sinform alexand er-von- schoenb urg-say s-germa ny-fear s-brita in-as-t hey-fac e-the-r eality- of-brex it/
In Germany, fears are growing that the ship of Europe is sailing troubled waters. Soon it could be dashed on the rocks.
Why the anxiety? The looming impact of Brexit, as politicians and policy-makers across the continent begin to recognise that Britain’s departure represents a daunting challenge to the European project.
According to the relentless propaganda of the pro-EU cause, Europe would forge ahead on the global stage, ever more united, while the UK would slide into insularity and decline.
But that narrative is starting to look like a delusion.
Headed by a strong government and sustained by a dynamic economy, it is Britain that can look forward to the future with confidence, while the EU and its member states remain trapped in bureaucratic sclerosis, obsessed with regulation and welfare when much of the rest of the world is embracing commercial freedom.
Britain looks like it can manage well without the EU. But can the EU manage without Britain?
Your economy is bigger than the 18 smallest EU countries combined. This means in economic terms that the EU will lose not just one member state — but shrink from 28 members to ten.
On a purely fiscal level, the loss of Britain’s contribution will have huge implications for the EU’s budget.
And, on much a deeper level, Europe will also badly feel the loss of the Anglo-Saxon, pro-market business model, when so many EU governments are addicted to a quasi-socialist, big-state, heavily interventionist approach."
There is more much more. Who do you think is saying it? Farage? No...Alexander von Schoenburg. Editor of Bild. It is exactly what some of us have been saying for years but he is not being ridiculed or shouted down. Strange that....perhaps we will get an apology. We have much to celebrate in a weeks time and much to do in the coming years. The first thing we must do however is promise ourselves never to give up our sovereign rights to a foreign power again.
‘ Built with the Cooperation of our European Which should actually read "Built with some of the €220m (€465 per head) that we received last year from the EU, much of which came from the €10,500m (€175 per head) our UK friends handed over." //Why is the EU collapsing anything to be excited about?// Its uncontrolled collapse would...
16:19 Sat 25th Jan 2020
emmie: "which is why they want to stay surely." think it through, they have been a net recipient up to now. Soon they will be a net contributor. Now I accept they may feel some loyalty and gratitude to the EUSSR and indeed my be happy to pay more on the other hand politics is not a sentimental business and they may see an opportunity to get out before they have to repay what they have had.
It will come apart at the seams. Whilst Merkel quotes Lenin and calls for more "green legislation" protest break out in response. Not headline news on your main stream news channel mind. If they had been celebrating the prospect it would have been for sure.
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/12301 26/EU-P rotests -German y-Irela nd-Merk el-Vara dkar-fa rmers-e nvironm ent-agr icultur e-lates t
The Dutch or Danish will be next. They will have Dexit or Hexit anytime soon. They will not want to be paying more and competing with GB at the same time. Italy cannot afford to leave. Germany and France are locked in the terrible embrace until one or both dies and the Irish politicians will do anything rather than admit to being wrong with it's anti G.B. posturing and stay in until the population riot and demand to leave.
I wouldn’t want to se a crash within the EU as it’s knock on effect would be devastating.
However unless they can jackboot the rest of the 27 into ever greater integration and alignment it will be a slow spiralling dance of death.
Now that is something that can be Managed a little more easily as we will see it coming in plain sight and take measures to mitigate. One of the advantages of not being part of the EU.
However unless they can jackboot the rest of the 27 into ever greater integration and alignment it will be a slow spiralling dance of death.
Now that is something that can be Managed a little more easily as we will see it coming in plain sight and take measures to mitigate. One of the advantages of not being part of the EU.