Film, Media & TV1 min ago
This Man Is Demented
And people say that POTUS is unhinged with his rants. Piers Morgan is a National Media Joke and surely can't last much longer as a presenter on a TV channel .He is attracting media healines everyday for all the wrong reasons. He invites guests to comment on topics and then insults them,interrupts them and ruins the interview. He obviously has a deep prejudice against Americans .Both Mayor Guliani and The Attorney assigned to Officer Chauvin have both been vilely insulted to the extent they walked out the interview.Piers Morgan has made outrageous statements about the McCann case and bought race into this tradgedy.@ I bet this time and money would not of been spent if this McCann child was black!!!!" This man is a total ignoramus and a disgrace to journalism. Much too self opinionated and could not spell impartial let alone understand it.
https:/ /metro. 020/06/ 09/pier s-morga n-bans- stupid- racist- people- watchin g-good- morning -britai n-12823 756/?ic o=pushl y-notif cation- small&a mp;utm_ source= pushly
https:/ /metro. 020/06/ 09/pier s-morga n-blows -nigel- farage- furious -row-ed ward-co lston-t akedown -128245 79/
https:/ /metro. 020/06/ 04/pier s-morga n-madel eine-mc cann-no t-get-m uch-att ention- was-bla ck-1280 3639/
Best Answer
No best answer has yet been selected by retrocop. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.// And people say that POTUS is unhinged with his rants.//
he is
what is the second question - was it a good idea to spend £12m on the search for a child who has been obviously and very dead for fifteen years ?
well it keeps the police safe from those awful BLM rioters Retro so there is an upside to every waste of public money
(sort of variation of - lawyers always get paid)
he is
what is the second question - was it a good idea to spend £12m on the search for a child who has been obviously and very dead for fifteen years ?
well it keeps the police safe from those awful BLM rioters Retro so there is an upside to every waste of public money
(sort of variation of - lawyers always get paid)
Why would they sack him when he is delivering them their best Ever ratings ?
// Piers Morgan has confirmed that Good Morning Britain had its highest-viewed episode EVER yesterday (12 May), after the aftermath of Boris Johnson’s lockdown speech.
Taking to Twitter Piers then shared the news that GMB had experienced its best day ever for ratings. ‘Yesterday’s GMB was the highest-rated programme in our show’s history,’ he wrote.
‘26.5% audience share and 48% more viewers than same day last year. //
// Piers Morgan has confirmed that Good Morning Britain had its highest-viewed episode EVER yesterday (12 May), after the aftermath of Boris Johnson’s lockdown speech.
Taking to Twitter Piers then shared the news that GMB had experienced its best day ever for ratings. ‘Yesterday’s GMB was the highest-rated programme in our show’s history,’ he wrote.
‘26.5% audience share and 48% more viewers than same day last year. //
He was editor of the The Mirror so will know a lot of secrets and still have contact with and access to people from those days and now, that also know lots of dirty little secrets.
Newspapers keep hidden until needed or they feel its right to publish, "material" on everybody and anybody they can, and as we know gained legally or otherwise.....
He was editor of the The Mirror so will know a lot of secrets and still have contact with and access to people from those days and now, that also know lots of dirty little secrets.
Newspapers keep hidden until needed or they feel its right to publish, "material" on everybody and anybody they can, and as we know gained legally or otherwise.....
Morgan claimed that the Government is afraid of him and will no longer let Ministers appear on GMB because they never win.
https:/ / ages.ex press.c g/dynam ic/139/ 590x/se condary /piers- morgan- twitter -boris- johnson -corona virus-2 454063. png?r=1 5889113 54960
Morgan claimed that the Government is afraid of him and will no longer let Ministers appear on GMB because they never win.
//what is the second question - was it a good idea to spend £12m on the search for a child who has been obviously and very dead for fifteen years ? //
Most funding for the Mccann disappearance was through crowd funding and private detective agencys. Is it wrong for parents to want closure on their missing child and the abductor/killer bought to justice?.
Do you think the taxpayer's money was wrong for the continuation of the Lawrence case? Did Ben Needham (white) get as much investigation and diligence in his disappearance. Would you like to start a campaign and find out where the funding is for Lee Boxall?
Morgan is not fighting these kid's corner is he? He is virtual signalling pure and simple.
Most funding for the Mccann disappearance was through crowd funding and private detective agencys. Is it wrong for parents to want closure on their missing child and the abductor/killer bought to justice?.
Do you think the taxpayer's money was wrong for the continuation of the Lawrence case? Did Ben Needham (white) get as much investigation and diligence in his disappearance. Would you like to start a campaign and find out where the funding is for Lee Boxall?
Morgan is not fighting these kid's corner is he? He is virtual signalling pure and simple.
Mark as Best Answer
I was always a fan of his, but he is really starting to get on my nerves now!! //I think they keep him on because of his controversy. //
I agree ilm. His ratings climb as quickly as he can throw a controversial rant. The man has become an offensive ,odious, biased boor and a hypocrite imo and is purely there because morons listen to his every word like they listen to J.Kyle .
Just been checking past posts on Morgan.
You used to be a big fan Retrocop...
https:/ / eanswer .uk/New s/Quest ion1692 390.htm l
You used to be a big fan Retrocop...
//He can’t be all that bad the government are scared of him .//
It appeared that Morgan and his useless eye candy prop were plenty scared of what Nigel Farage had to say so they talked over him and convenietly found an opportune ,for them,time to cut him out with a commercial break. Censor anyone of a different opinion. That's a left wing tactic isn't it? And they call the beeb biased.!
It appeared that Morgan and his useless eye candy prop were plenty scared of what Nigel Farage had to say so they talked over him and convenietly found an opportune ,for them,time to cut him out with a commercial break. Censor anyone of a different opinion. That's a left wing tactic isn't it? And they call the beeb biased.!
There is literally no point in Boris or any cabinet minister going on the Piers Morgan Show.
He has no interest in interviewing them; an interview involves asking a question, challenging the answer if it needs challenging, debunking the answer with facts etc...
An interview does not involve not allowing the interviewee to answer a question posed to them before they are talked-over, hectoring the interviewee, shouting and asking whataboutery questions. This is Morgan's style.
The Government are correct to avoid the programme.
He has no interest in interviewing them; an interview involves asking a question, challenging the answer if it needs challenging, debunking the answer with facts etc...
An interview does not involve not allowing the interviewee to answer a question posed to them before they are talked-over, hectoring the interviewee, shouting and asking whataboutery questions. This is Morgan's style.
The Government are correct to avoid the programme.