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Crossword clues 'Collect It'

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sellotape59 | 11:14 Mon 28th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Raised dish on a stem or foot used to hold fruit. 7 begins with C.
A protruding polished but not faceted stone.8 ?????H??
Whimsical rabbits made in a village famous for witches.9 ????E???N
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cabochon is the 2nd one
Compote is a fruit bowl

Nothing definite I'm afraid, but I've been thinking about BURLEYMEN (or bunneymen ????)

There is a village of Burley - famous for its witches and there may well be a series of collectable comical rabbits with that name. If there are, I can't find them on the web! Good luck!

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Many thanks to all for ideas and answers

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