Grandson is eight and goes to bed 7.30 to 8. He usually goes to sleep quite well but wakes around 2am. He wakes the six year old and they both eventually get into bed with their parents. At least then there is some sort of sleep going on. They have tried everything he's a very good reader and loves books , has a nightlight he can read by. They've also tried sleeping bag at the end of their bed but that didn't work for more than a night or two. The issue seems to be that he doesn't like being awake alone. He is highly strung and has anxiety issues. At their old house he refused to go upstairs by himself as he could hear voices. It was a very old house and the next door was partly over their house, strange arrangement, but you could hear murmurings, footsteps etc which bothered him. I hoped in their brand new house he would settle down but so far he hasn't. Every now and again he does sleep through and stays in his own bed, he is praised and rewarded but that doesn't seem to cut any ice with him. It would be so good if we could find a way of getting him to sleep through the night. The lack of sleep doesn't have any effect on him, he's doing very well at school and has no worries there.