morning, Sunday already, the days are flying by, I hope that you are all as well as can be, and that your day is a good one, anything on the calendar? I have my weekly on line shop to sort out at 9am and then a phone call from a friend in NI at 10am. After that who knows, i might try and finish reading Daphne Du Maurier's book the Scapegoat, which is very good, will see.
the forecast here is a high of 13c with a mostly cloudy day, it certainly needs to warm up a tad, though i have resorted to t shirt and shorts for my sins.
within the parameters of Long Covid I am fine ta emmie... OH's youngest is visiting today so that will be nice..he could not collect his birthday gifts when I was positive so a belated Birthday today !
Morning all, up and about after a late night made late by watching the highlights of the Masters when I got home from work - unbelievably quiet last night - but then the nearby Premier is charging £140/night and my belief is that folk are staying away.....