Normal service has resumed in our house.
Jess not sleeping particularly well which is a shame after the last 4 days!
It’s very cold out but at least our weather warning is only for ice.
Nothing planned for today
What about you?
Good morning all!
It's coming down like stair rods outside, and I hope that's where it will stay.
Sounds like the hounds have you well-trained, Helen.
Take care
Good morning Red and everyone. I just woke with a start, don't know why but I thought it was a lot later than it is. That is a shame about Jess. Have always hated when my pets were in pain. Is she good taking her pain killers?
Unlike Colin who is incredibly fussy Jess inhales her food so very easily takes her medication.
I may be able to get an hour snooze once I have fed them.
Good morning by the way I hope you are going to have another go at sleeping
As a teenager I could sleep for England, as I recollect. Funny how things change with age ;) It wasn't OH who woke me so that is ok.
It amazes me how little sleep I can manage on. I used to take an afternoon nap when I was tired, but it doesn't bother me now.
No real plans for today - the car needs a blooming good wash and it can stay that way, for now, lol.
Good morning everyone, hi RH, sorry to read Jess not sleeping so well, I'm up early, places to be, people to see and maybe a swim squeezed in there later. Try get back to sleep any of ye that had your sleep cut short, it's very cold morning, freezing fog and forecast gives icy roads, I've not looked out yet to see ..have great day everyone x
She gets mobile then when that doesn’t work she starts to chuff moving on to full on bark in a tantrum like movement lifting both front paws up and slamming them down!
Little madam