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What Do You Think Of This.

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Tilly2 | 16:33 Wed 22nd Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Yesterday I was in the till queue at Sainsburys and in front of me were two very chavvy looking girls. Eyelashes you could trip over, fake tans, sluggy eyebrows, tiny vests, leggings and short jackets.
One had a bottle of shampoo and the other had a box of washing powder. The cashier scanned the shampoo and in payment, the girl fished in her bra and produced a £50 note. The cashier called security, who subsequently called the manager and both inspected the note. After much debate they decided to accept the note and the girl was given her change. Next up was washing powder girl who also produced a £50 note from her bra. Again, much ooing and ahhing but finally accepted.

Then it was my turn at the till and the security man and manager were still discussing the notes. They then decided that the notes were counterfeit and asked the cashier to remove them from the till.
I agreed with them. Two see one £50 note a day is unusual. To see two, in those circumstances, must be blatant dishonesty.
What do you think?


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dont tell us tilly, you followed suit and also paid with money from your bra??
I hate getting £50 notes as they are the devil to cash because no one can tell a good one from a counterfeit.
I like the girls tend to break them on little things.
But I much prefer to take my money out of my purse.
Removing it from their bra does not surprise me as I saw a TikTok the other day where they keep their money in their gusset
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My bra is a one function garment. I have a purse.
An often used method of obtaining real money from counterfeit notes.
Other shops/businesses in your area may well be targeted, sadly.
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I don't understand why Sainsburys security don't have ultra violet readers to check the notes.
They do sound pretty incompetent accepting them. All the warning signs were there.

I was once held in a petrol station for trying to pay with a £50 note. They called the police who eventually decided it was legit. I was late for work as a result. No apology from anyone.

It does look dodgy with those girls in the OP, though.
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I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but the production of the second note made my alarm ring.
There is no room in my bra for anything else. Some days it feels like there is already 50 pounds in there.

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£25 each side, BM?
Handy for backing the ponies.
Tilly - in BM's case it's 50 in each cup!
Really, Helen! Barmaid's going to need a bigger
wheelbarrow. ;-)
I started reading this and was convinced I was in the jokes category :-)
I.e. I started reading the initial post from tilly

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Why did you think that, Bazile?
I'm with Baz - if you read the first paragraph it sounds like there's going to be a funny punchline.
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It's the way I tell 'em. :-)
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Perhaps someone could come up with a fitting punchline...
You should try £50 of loose change...

Aka "how to suffer from a bad back" ;(

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