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The Least Worst Option.

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sandyRoe | 13:14 Mon 24th Jun 2024 | Society & Culture
61 Answers

Will anyone be voting on July 4th for the best of a bad lot rather than someone they actually support?



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People will be voting for CHANGE - like we do every few years, switching between tweedledum and tweedledee.

Mais plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

i actually do like two candidates in my area... one who stands for the greens and the other who stands regrettably for the lib dems 

i will probably vote for the green candidate. 

I'm voting for the existing MP who I greatly respect.

Safe Labour seat, will go to who came second last time.  Could therefore for Preet Gill, she is all about diversity and nothing about the population make up of her constituency 

For the first time ever I'm torn.   A 'None of the above' option would get my vote.

you could always draw it on the ballot paper and vote for it. a spoiled ballot still counts. 

A pointless exercise.

Yep, best of a bad lot!  

I'm still unsure. I'll wither vote for the independent or it'll be 'none of the above'. I probably wouldn't bother voting but my daughter has put me down as proxy 😏

I'm finding the whole circus utterly depressing.

Much the same thing. The best of a bad lot is one worth supporting for at least one go.

In normal circumstance I would spoil my ballot, with a reason why written across it in pen ... but this time, change is necessary and so I've voted against the Tory (by checking ).

That link seems inadequate. It only considers getting the Tories out of power, and every bookies think that's already a foregone conclusion.

For the first time in a GE I've decided not to vote - I feel completely disenfranchised.


At heart I'm a Tory but  the current lot are TINO, and even if I was favouring Labour (which I'm not because I see problems ahead) I couldn't do so with the current leadership of Starmer and Rayner, both of whom I feel are dreadful, and all the others are always also-rans.


As Naomi says, it's all so utterly depressing.

usually Sandy I do vote but now I am changing my mind as after all what changes or happens - nothing

I'll write Tam Dalyell on mine, dead for years but he'll still do a better job than the wasters on offer from all sides.

I've haven't spoken to a single soul who has any faith in any of them.  Everyone seems to be the same - thoroughly sick of the lot of them.

I have voted for someone I actually support.


I don't support any candidate, and in normal circumstances would have spoiled my ballot, but not this time. "Hold your nose and vote Tory" cuts both ways ... the mantra this time is "Hold your nose and vote anti-Tory".

But voting anti-Tory will result in Starmer & Co at the helm.  It really is a case of be careful what you wish for.

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