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This Image Sums Up Today’s Election For Me

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Hymie | 22:08 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
4 Answers

Hopefully it will receive worldwide publicity of broken Britain.



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Starmer will wave his magic wand tomorrow and everything will be wonderful- just wait and see.

It exactly describes broken Britain, a Britain made up of people who have sex, breed without caring, don't work or even try to work, don't look after their children, don't teach them the basics such as using a toilet or keeping clean, send them to off to school and expect teachers to parent them and the government and those  of us who do work to pay for it all. The icing on the cake being to make the Left think it's everyone else's fault.  While we're at it you shouldn't be having a third child if you need the state to pay for it.

Food banks should exist for only those who need them and that is nowhere near as  the many who use them.




Being forwarned they could get supplies in a day early. Unsure I see the point being made.

//Unsure I see the point being made.//

Nor me.

Anyway ALL the food banks will be closing soon when KS eliminates poverty.🙄

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This Image Sums Up Today’s Election For Me

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