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Bbc Quiz : Week 29

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Buenchico | 20:07 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

Hello again!


A decent enough start for me this week, I feel, with a score of FIVE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz:


However I could only manage a pathetic ONE out of five in the junior quiz this week:


Your turn!



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Good evening, Buen x


4 🤭

Question Author

Good evening, Patsy.

It looks like all of the very best people here will have an aggregate of 6 this week 😊

Well, yes. You make a good point! 😃

Evening Chris.






With a few lucky guesses  !!


Hope this finds you well  ; ))

4 & 3


obviously not best 😥

Question Author

Another 6 aggregate!

Welcome to the club, Sam!

(Yes, I'm fine thanks, as I hope that you are too!)


'Double middling' it may be, Toorak, but it still takes you into the lead at the moment!  Well done!

Well not too bad considering I've being off world all week, sad about Shannen Doherty first I've read about it.

Main: 4/7
Jnr: I try later doesn't seem to like me clicking on first question guess.

Question Author

Hiya, Arky!

I've no idea as to why you can't submit your answers to the junior quiz.  Maybe the webste knows that you're destined to get full marks but doesn't want to let you?

That 'middling' 4 is decent enough, anyway!

Oh dear! 1 and 3

4 and 3

Question Author

Joint leader, Scorpiojo!

Well done!


At least you're a lot more childlike than I am this week, Clover 😊

(Better luck next week!)

Bit better than last week but no genius.




Question Author

Another aggregate of 6!

Welcome to the club, Maggie!

Evening all,

4 in the first one and 3 in the second.

Not bad, even though I say it myself.

Question Author

Another 'double middling'!

Well done, Sandy! 

That puts you joint top at the moment!

I have to say that is so weird with Jnr newsround quiz, I went back to google it myself came up with the home page I can even watch newsround all other quizzes work as well... its a mystery.

However using my phone:
Jnr: 3/5... so total 7

5/7 v 2/7

1/5 v 0/5

Think the heat is getting to me....

Hope you are all keeping cool   😃

Question Author

I suspect that you need to clear the cache and cookies from your browser, Arky.

Well done, anyway, as you're currently joint top!

Good Evening, Chris! 

A better week for me -

5/7, 3/5

We are having another family gathering tomorrow so have been trying to get the house and garden looking presentable, but this heat is not great for doing housework! So I have given in and am now chilling with a glass of wine. 

Looking forward to my weekly update on the terrific trio. What have those gorgeous kitties been up to of late?

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead :-)

Question Author

Oops!  I almost missed Haras2's post there!

Yes, I think that blaming the heat is definitely a good idea in your case, Haras2!  😄

Still no cat news???


Hi, Karamia!

Well  done!  You're out on your own in the lead at the moment!

Thanks for your reference to "chilling with a glass of wine".  It's prompted me to stick a couple of bottles of wheat beer in my freezer for some rapid cooling  🍺

The Bonkers Bunch are much the same as usual, thank you.  Moonbeam and Tablo still insist on following me most of the way to the community centre bar when I visit there (once or twice per week).  When I walk home, Moonbeam comes racing towards me (doing his cheetah impression) as if he's not seen me for a fortnight.  Tablo simply waits a bit further along the path, glaring at me for having the impertinence to leave her for an hour or two.  Chequers though usually waits until about 4am to tell me how much he loves me by demanding to be fed!

They're all largely outdoor cats in this weather but Tablo always comes rushing indoors as soon as I open a pack of cheese!  (She loves it).

Well all hope that you'll have a lovely week 🐱

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